Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Perception of Beauty

In the United States, and I am sure in other countries around the world, women have a lot of pressure placed upon them to appear beautiful. Sadly, this pressure begins early in the development of young girls. This causes great psychological harm during a very important stage of development of one's self image and personality. During this point in time, probably between the ages of 8-12, young girls begin to feel the pressures of society to appear beautiful by any means necessary; via make-up, clothing, hair styles, fashion accessories, diet pills, surgeries, etc. that are seen in advertisements of large corporations. This video shows exactly what I am talking about.

1 comment:

naveen naqvi said...

This is an awesome ad. I definitely agree with you Jake, our society has placed a lot of importance on the aesthetic appearance of women. Women can always look better, younger, skinnier, lighter, darker, and so on. Also, I think we've started to focus much more on appearance as opposed to health. Obese people want to loose weight to increase their self esteem and boost their ego as opposed to preventing serious medical conditions. Woman are becoming less comfortable in their own skin and constantly feel the need to "improve" themselves. Whether it may be through plastic surgery or make up, many woman are always trying to find a way to make themselves look better.